🔐8.2 Stacking the $AirCNB Token

In total, 7% of the total issue was allocated for stacking, which amounts to 294,000,000 $Air CNB tokens

Stacking is available for those who have an NFT character and $AirCNB tokens.

Available time to block tokens and characters:

1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

Anyone can block their character and the desired amount of tokens for the selected blocking period.

The higher the rarity of the character, the higher the possible profit:

  • Grover - will bring up to 3% per month of the volume of blocked tokens

  • Seller - will bring up to 4% per month of the volume of blocked tokens

  • Fighter - will bring up to 6% per month of the volume of blocked tokens

  • Boss - will bring up to 8% per month of the volume of blocked tokens

Profit is accrued every day, profit withdrawal is available at the end of the token and character blocking period. If you have made a withdrawal from the lock ahead of time, your profit is burned. As soon as the allocated tokens run out, the stacking will continue thanks to the $AirCNB tokens tax system.

Last updated